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Marijuana Detox Near Morristown

Although marijuana use is typically safe and not addictive from a physiological standpoint, you could become psychologically dependent on marijuana if you take it to deal with mental or physical conditions. And while marijuana detox near Morristown might not be necessary, you could still need to detox from addictive substances if you use them alongside marijuana. In either case, a supervised detox from Sunrise Detox can be beneficial.

If you believe you should enter a structured marijuana detox near Morristown, contact us at 908-274-2043. We’ll discuss if you need detox services or another type of treatment at an inpatient or outpatient facility.

How Do I Know If I Need Marijuana Detox?

In most cases, marijuana detox doesn't call for advanced services. People are able to quit using weed by themselves without health problems. Marijuana departs your body rapidly and does not give rise to potentially deadly withdrawal symptoms. However, long-standing users may be afflicted by withdrawal-like symptoms, such as:

  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Stomach pain
  • Shakiness
  • Fever
  • Cravings

If you would like to end your dependence on weed but are having issues quitting, Sunrise Detox Stirling is here to help. Our professionals will discuss your goals and find the right level of support for you.

We can also assist you in detoxing from marijuana when you detox from other drugs that produce true withdrawal. On, we’ll note your weed usage levels and its impact on you. A professionally administered detox may also be warranted if you are dealing with co-occurring disorders, like depression or anxiety.

How Long Does Marijuana Detox Take?

The amount of time detox takes is based on the timeframe and regularity of your marijuana consumption. For marijuana alone, you’ll probably need only a couple of days before moving to another location with a lower level of treatment. If you have to detox from additional substances concurrently, you’ll likely be in our care for at least a week before you may safely exit. The key thing to be aware of is that we will support you in controlling any discomfort you experience from weed detox in Morristown for whatever amount of time you need.

What Can I Expect From Marijuana Detox In Morristown?

When you call us about weed detox, we'll first explore if you really need to detox from marijuana, or if an inpatient rehab or behavioral health treatment program would be a better option. No matter what you need, we will direct you to the appropriate services.

Each person’s experience with detox is unique, but we are happy to share what you may anticipate from us after you get here for marijuana detox in Morristown. First, we’ll perform a private appraisal to gain an understanding of your weed consumption and medical background. This information lets us tailor our weed detox procedures to your precise needs and create an personalized care plan for you.

From there, you’ll be provided with a fully furnished bedroom and taken around our state-of-the-art detox facility. We give you three primary meals with access to beverages and snacks all day. You may take advantage of our interior and exterior recreational spaces to reflect and unwind. First and foremost, you’ll receive round-the-clock medical support for any difficulties you experience from halting your use of marijuana. Our healthcare staff is highly skilled at managing mental and physical complaints that may otherwise prompt a relapse.

We also provide optional individual, group, and peer support sessions. Under the guidance of trained therapists, you can start to delve into the triggers of your marijuana use. In the end, we will collaborate with you to design an aftercare plan for when you depart. We are here to promote your success in meeting your wellness goals and will help you find ongoing treatment to deal with| your weed use and mental health.

How Can Sunrise Detox Help Me Be Safe During Detox?

Thankfully, detoxing from marijuana alone is not unsafe, but we want you to feel as pleasant as possible at our inpatient facility. When you come to us for marijuana detox in Morristown, we do everything possible to keep you moving forward.

Along with 24-hour medical monitoring, we also

  • Support you according to your individualized care plan
  • Utilize only evidence-based techniques administered by authorized medical personnel
  • Abide by rigid patient privacy and confidentiality protocols
  • Treat you with dignity and compassion
  • Help you with aftercare planning
  • Maintain a relaxing environment away from triggers for substance use

Contact Us Now To Start Marijuana Detox

If you would like to find out more about marijuana detox in Morristown or need help detoxing from habit-forming substances, reach out anytime. Dial 908-274-2043 or complete the form below, and we will contact you in a prompt fashion directly , irregardless of the hour. We are ready to help you today.

Call 908-274-2043 Today